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What to Expect

Your First Visit

We understand that filling out paperwork at the doctors office can be a hassle. In order to respect

your time we will e-mail you the appropriate intake forms prior to your first visit so they may be

completed at your convenience.


Consultation – We will meet to review your health history and discuss your goals of care.

Examination – We will perform an examination to determine your current level of function.

This exam may include vitals, motion and postural assessments, and any orthopedic and

neurologic tests deemed necessary based on your consultation. At various times throughout care

we will also perform exams to determine your progress. These exams help us understand the

cause of your challenges and provide direction for our care.

X-rays may be necessary to determine the severity and complexity of your vertebral subluxations

as well as rule out pathology.

To see is to know, not to see is to guess – we will not guess when it comes to your health.


Your Second Visit

Report of Findings – We will share with you what we have discovered during your consultation, examination, and x-rays (if taken). We will discuss the care plan we have developed for you as well as any questions or concerns you may have. We encourage you to bring your family along so that any questions they have may also be asked and addressed.

Adjustment – We will assess you for any areas of interference and adjust you accordingly. All adjustments will be explained prior to being done so that you may feel completely comfortable.

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